Who We Are

“Working together through healthcare and education to keep performing artists safe and healthy.”

Our Mission

The Oklahoma Performing Arts Collective is a nonprofit organization committed to enhancing the health, safety, and knowledge for healthcare professionals, educators, and artists alike. Our goal is to create a collaborative community between multiple disciplines practicing in performing arts medicine. We hope to accomplish this through education, hosting a conference annually, and through membership, connecting those taking care of performing artists.

The Meaning Behind Our Logo

Our logo is five moons overlapped on a turquoise background and is a nod to our state’s Native American heritage and performing arts history.

Each of the five moons, representing the great Oklahoman ballerinas Yvonne Chouteau, Rosella Hightower, Moscelyne Larkin, and sisters Maria Tallchief and Marjorie Tallchief, also represent one of our OPAC chapters: healthcare professionals, educators, artists, parents/families, and community.

The Chapters

The collective seeks to provide access to education regarding evidence-based practices to keep performing artists doing what they love. We also help connect performing artists and educators to healthcare professionals who have the interest in the knowledge to provide care for performing artists.

The five chapters of membership include healthcare professionals, educators, artists, parents & families, and the community.

Healthcare Professionals
Healthcare professionals within the Oklahoma Performing Arts Collective are dedicated to understanding the unique needs of performing artists. Our healthcare members specialize in providing evidence-based care tailored to the demands of the performing arts.

Educators play a vital role in shaping the next generation of performers. The collective brings together dance teachers, studio owners, and professors who are passionate about promoting healthy practices in the classroom and beyond.

At the heart of the collective are the artists themselves—dancers, musicians, vocalists, actors, and more. Our members have a shared commitment to their craft and desire to thrive in a supportive community that values their well-being as much as their artistry.

Parents & Families
Behind every young performer is a support system from parents and families. The collective provides resources and guidance to help parents navigate the unique challenges and opportunities that come with nurturing young talent in the performing arts.

The Oklahoma Performing Arts Collective extends beyond its individual members to encompass a community of supporters and advocates within the community. Together, we have the opportunity to work towards creating a more inclusive and accessible environment for all.